Apex Legends Font
Free Download For Windows PC

A Popular Video Game Typeface, Designed by Felix's Foundry. 
3.3/5 Votes: 42
Felix’s Foundry
529 KB
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Apex Legends Font is a condensed typeface that is made to look like the letters in the Apex Legends logo. It was created and made by Felix’s Foundry. This product is good for game posters, people who play games, and platforms like social media.

Apex Legends is a popular video game in the Battle Royale genre that many people find exciting to play with friends.

You can get a free download of Apex Legends Font here. It’s in the OTF (OpenType) Format and you can use it for personal purposes without paying. For commercial use, you need to buy a license.

Appearance of Apex Legends Font
Letters Overview of Apex Legends Font

Apex Legends Font Latest Version Update

This font is FREE FOR PERSONAL USE. Please download and enjoy.