Alfa eBooks Manager is the best free ebook manager for PC users. It manages the eBook collection by providing its titles and rating. If you have an enormous collection of digital and printed books, then this ebook management software is a great choice. You can’t download additional books using this tool. You can only organize your existing collection, whether that consists of printed books or eBooks.
Alfa eBooks Manager Review
Alfa eBooks Manager software is the top choice for book lovers, collectors, students, academicians, and business libraries. If you have a big ebook library on your PC and you are starting to lose track of it then we recommend you to download Alfa eBook Manager.
After you download and install Alfa eBook Manager, run this program. It will take you through steps before establishing its data on your PC. Select language, appearance, bookshelves view, and book covers.
The main window of the application is meant to resemble shelves, thus making it quite straightforward for you to add or remove items. Several sample items are already added by default, so you can experiment with them until you are confident enough to start adding your own.
What does Alfa Ebooks Manager offer?
One of the most important things to mention here is that Alfa Ebooks Manager for Windows it allows you to catalog both physical and electronic books with the most important information, among which it is possible to find:
- Title
- Author
- Publisher
- Number of pages
- Covers
- Language
- Price
- Genre
- And much more
Some of the other interesting functions of software are the possibility to add tags to the books, associate a title with a file stored on the computer, or manage the eBooks that are stored on a Reader.
The best alternative is Calibre, which is both free and Open Source. However you are looking for other great apps like Alfa eBooks Manager then Foliate (Free, Open Source), ReadEra (Free), GCstar (Free, Open Source), and Adobe Digital Editions (Free) are the best options.
Alfa vs Calibre What’s the Best?
No doubt, Calibre is a great tool that manages eBooks and it can instantly access your Calibre Library to deliver those ebooks to mobile.
If you have been looking into Alfa as its alternative, then it also has the best web server capabilities. Alfa can integrate with mobile apps which is better than Calibre.
Calibre is a decent app, but only for desktops. As a back end for mobile, it’s really pretty terrible.
Alfa eBooks Manager download for PC offline installer setup for your 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and Windows 11. Alfa ebook Manager offers full feature trial version on Window PC.