The Malwarebytes Support Tool is a powerful and flexible tool for Windows PC that can help users resolve issues with Malwarebytes products quickly and effectively. It is a helpful resource for anyone experiencing issues with Malwarebytes software due to its self-help capabilities, troubleshooting tools, and advanced features. It is a versatile tool that provides a variety of features to assist in the diagnosis and resolution of Malwarebytes product issues.
The Malwarebytes Support Tool’s primary function is to create a support ticket with Malwarebytes. Users can use the tool to submit a ticket with detailed information about their problem, allowing support technicians to better understand the problem and provide more effective solutions.
Users can also attach information to an existing support ticket using the Malwarebytes Support Tool. This feature is useful if additional information is discovered after the initial ticket is submitted, or if the user forgets to include important details in the original submission.
The ability to automatically generate and upload information to a secure Malwarebytes server is another useful feature of the Malwarebytes Support Tool. This feature can assist support technicians in more quickly and accurately diagnose issues, saving users time and frustration.
The Malwarebytes Support Tool also includes a variety of built-in troubleshooting tools, such as the MB-Clean, MB-Check, and MB-Grab utilities, as well as the Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST). These tools can be set to automatically run and provide support technicians extra information, which can resolve issues.
The Malwarebytes Support Tool has advanced options for customers that need more control over the tool’s behavior and may be used both online and offline. Users can save troubleshooting logs to their computer for later review, and it can also be uninstalled using the tool’s Cleanup Tool.