BSL Shaders by Capttatsu is one of the most customizable and optimized shader packs supported by Minecraft Java Edition. It adds new features like real-time shadows, volumetric light, ambient occlusion, bloom, customizable clouds, and water, and built-in anti-aliasing. Some additional effects like depth of field, motion blur, specular and normal mapping, cel-shading, world curvature, and more are also available.
BSL Shaders download is available for all famous versions of Minecraft Java Edition. It also supports both Iris Shaders and OptiFine, which means you can use either of them to load this shader in-game.
BSL Shaders System Requirements
Take a look at some prerequisites and requirements before you download and try it out.
- OptiFine (How to Install OptiFine into Minecraft guide here) or Iris Shaders (How to Install Iris Shaders into Minecraft guide here).
- Java Runtime Environment (JRE). (The page linked also contains a guide on how to install JRE for Minecraft).
- All versions of Minecraft 1.7.10 to Minecraft 1.20.2 are supported.
How to Download & Install BSL Shaders
Follow the short steps below to get this shader in-game:
Step 1: Download the latest version of the shader pack from the top of this page.
Step 2: Move the shader pack’s zip file to the “shaderpacks” folder inside the Minecraft installation folder “Local Disk (C:) > Users > (Your PC Name) > AppData > Roaming > .minecraft > shaderpacks“.
Step 3: Launch the OptiFine or Iris Shaders profile from the Minecraft Launcher.
Step 4: To apply this shader in-game go to Video Settings and then look for the Shaders Menu.
Best Settings BSL Shaders
There are no set best settings when it comes to shaderpacks. The settings depend completely on your PC hardware specifications. High-end PCs can obviously run this shader pack at the highest preset, whereas a low-end PC’s optimal settings would be low preset. The dev, however, recommends using the following settings for a good balance of better visuals and optimization.
- Graphics: Fancy
- Render Distance: 8 or above
- Smooth Lighting: Maximum
- Smooth Lighting Level: 100%
- Dynamic Lights: Fast / Fancy
- Sky: On
Here’s how you can adjust these options in-game.
Step 1: Launch Minecraft then go to Video Settings and click on Shaders.
Step 2: Once inside the Shaders menu select BSL Shaders and then click “Shader Options…“.

Step 3: Inside Shader Options click on the “Profile:” button to toggle between Minimum, Low, Medium, High, and Ultra presets. If you really know what you’re doing then adjust all settings manually from within this menu.

Step 4: Adjusting and experimenting with these settings will help you find the best settings for it. If you’re confused as to what a specific option does then hovering over it will provide you detailed information about it.
Yes, this shader pack is completely safe to use as we observed in our testing and usage.
Shader packs are mostly independent of the Minecraft Version. As long as OptiFine or Iris Shaders is installed the shader pack should run perfectly. The oldest version of Minecraft that Capttatsu recommends running with BSL is Minecraft 1.13.2.
Any older versions than this will still work with it but might introduce errors or other compatibility problems.
Make sure to place the zip archive of the shader as it was downloaded and do not extract it.
No, Minecraft Bedrock’s shader capability is less compared to Optifine and Iris Shaders.