Avast does protect its users from phishing, malware, or other threats. At the same time, it causes many issues to your PC. Avast Scheduled Scan not Running on Windows 10/11 is another issue that Avast users face.
In this article, we have explained how you can fix Avast scheduled scan not running problem. But first, you should know why Avast scheduled scan won’t run.
Why is Avast Scheduled Scan Not Running?
According to users, this problem occurs when they updated or install the fresh version of the Avast Antivirus utility. They reported that they have specially made a profile for a custom scan but when they updated the Avast, the scheduled scan feature is not shown.
It may also happen because the latest Avast version has more advanced features for performing a scan and developers felt that this feature is no longer essential. That’s why they did not provide this in the latest version.
How to Fix Avast Scheduled Scan Not Running?
Don’t worry you still have options to fix the Avast scheduled scan problem.
1. Reinstall the Avast Antivirus Utility
The first thing that you should try is to reinstall the Avast program after uninstalling it completely from your Windows PC. You can do so by following these steps:
- Download Avast Uninstall Utility and install it then select Yes, when prompted. It will start the system in Windows Safe Mode.
- Make sure that it appropriately finds the Avast installation location.
- Select Uninstall and then Restart your system and delete avastclear.exe.
- To reinstall Avast Antivirus after downloading the Avast program.
- Install it and restart your system to complete the installation.
2. Try Boot Time Scan
If after reinstalling the Avast you can run Scheduled scan it means that this feature is emitted in its latest version. Try to use \boot Time scan which is a new feature performing the same function.
Boot Time Scan eliminates malware, phishing, and other threats after scanning especially before the boot up of the operating system. It will not run regularly or automatically but if you doubt that your system has any virus, you can schedule the scan manually to run when your PC will boot next time.
You have to specify automatic actions for how Boot-Time Scan deals with the threats, before running and scheduling. you are encouraged during the Boot-Time Scan to manually choose an action for each virus threat if you inactivate automatic actions.
How to Specify Boot-Time Scan To Deals with Threats that are Detected?
- Firstly, select the Protection option after opening Avast antivirus then click on Virus Scans option.
- Click on the gear icon that is Settings from the right.
- Then click on the Boot-Time Scan.
- Find the Perform automatic actions during this scan option by scrolling down. Enable it by ticking its automatic actions.
If you have untick “Perform automatic action during this scan” option Avast will ask “what to do” when a threat detected during the Boot-Time Scan.
- Choose the preferred automatic action:
Fix automatically: it is recommended, under this option Avast tries to repair the threatening file. If it fails, then it transfers the threatening file to Quarantine or deletes it if previous both actions become unsuccessful.
Move to Quarantine: if you choose this option under the automatic action then Avast transfers the file to Quarantine, then it will harm your PC.
Delete: if you choose this option under the automatic action then Avast eliminates the file permanently from your system.
Run Boot-Time Scan
Follow the process below to schedule Boot-Time Scan, after stipulating how it will deal with threats that are detected:
- Firstly, select the Protection option after opening Avast antivirus then click on the Virus Scans option and then click on the Boot-Time Scan tile.
- Click on the Install definitions option and then select Run on the next PC reboot to run the scan on restarting the PC.
Now restart the system. A Boot-Time Scan progress window pops up when it restarts. It generally takes a couple of minutes.
The duration differs in every case according to the speed of the PC and the multiple suspected files being scanned.