StarCraft 2 Cheats For God Mode, Easter Egg, Quick Healing & More

Searching for StarCraft 2 cheats? Though Starcraft II is just over 10 years old. However, people are still playing this game. By entering the cheat codes, you’ll be able to heal yourself quickly, instant victory & can enable God mode.

It’s important to note that using any of the cheats will disable achievements and these cheats can activate only in the single-player campaign.

How to Use Starcraft 2 Cheats?

Here is a method to use all starcraft 2 cheats for multiplayer. Just follow the below steps.

  • Press “Enter“.
  • A speech box will appear.
  • Type any of the cheat codes given below to apply the cheat instantly.

The cheat should take effect immediately, and you can play your game easily.

Starcraft 2 Cheats Codes

Listed are all the starcraft 2 cheats codes in which you can get starcraft 2 cheats for the campaign, starcraft 2 cheats for research points, starcraft 2 cheats for god mode, starcraft 2 cheats to reveal the map, and starcraft 2 cheats for energy. So, let’s take a look.

Cheat CodeCheat Effect
TerribleTerribleDamageGod mode
 WhatIsBestInLifeInstant victory
LetsJustBugOutAndCallItEvenInstant defeat
TookTheRedPillDisable the fog of war
Bunker55AliveInsideDisable the need for supplies
SpectralTigerGain 5000 minerals
 RealMenDrillDeepGain 5000 gas
WhoRunBartertownGain 5000 of each resource
SoSayWeAllAllow the use of all tech
IAmIronManUpgrade weapons, armor, and shields by Level
Enable fast builds and fast upgrades
HanShotFirstDisable cooldowns on spells
TyuHasLeftTheGameDisable victory conditions for continued by play
NeverGiveUpNeverSurrenderContinued play after defeat
ImADoctorNotARoachJimFast unit healing
MoreDotsMoreDotsAll units and buildings are free
WhySoSerious(only for the Wings of Liberty Campaign)Add 5 million credits in story mode
LeaveYourSleepUnlock all missions
EyeOfSauronUnlock all cinematics
StayClassyMarSara (Doesn’t work in Heart of the Swarm)Unlock all UNN TV news broadcasts
 JaynestownIn custom, maps add 5000 Terrazine
OverEngineeredCodPiece (This doesn’t disable achievements)Play the song Terran Up the Night

Unfortunately, you can’t use the given starcraft 2 cheats in custom games, because these cheats are only workable for single-player mode.

Starcraft 2: Heart Of The Swarm Cheats

Here is a list of starcraft 2 cheats for the heart of the swarm that you can use in the game.

Cheat CodeCheat Effect
whorunbartertown5000 of each resource
catfoodforprawngunsfast build
terribleterribledamagegod mode
whatisbestinlifeinstant win
tooktheredpillRemove the fog of war
HanshotfirstRemove spell/ability cooldown
bunker55aliveinsideRemove the Supply Cap
moredotsmoredotsUnits/Structures no longer cost resources
iamironmanUpgrades Weapons, Armor (and Shields) by 1

Starcraft 2 Easter Egg Cheats

Starcraft 2 Easter Egg Cheats.

There’s also a StarCraft 2 Easter Egg cheat code which will not disable the achievement rating. It’s OverEngineeredCodPiece and it plays the song Terran Up the Night.

Moreover, Blizzard loves to hide secrets and references in its campaigns. Here are a few:

Unlock the Wings of Liberty secret mission

In Wings of Liberty, during the fiery Devil’s Playground mission head to the bottom right of the map to find Diablo. You can’t kill him or interact with him in any way, but there he is.

In Heart of the Swarm in the Roach Evolution mission after you’ve evolved and are heading towards the next set of enemies, keep an eye on the containment chambers on the top wall of the facility. Diablo’s chilling out in one of those too.

Find Ewoks in Legacy of the Void

In the mission Unsealing the Past, set on Endion, you can find Ewoks all over the place, huddling around campfires and hiding behind trees.

There’s also a Jurassic World reference at this level. There’s an ‘enhanced strain’ blue Zerg monster called Indomilisk Rex, a pastiche of Indominus Rex from the film.

Find the Tauren Marine

In the mission Zero Hour clear out the Zerg infestation in the top left of the map. Move beyond it and you will find a level 80 Tauren marine in power armor. Treasure your brief time with him, because your appearance causes him to run into a nearby toilet and never come out.

In Legacy of the Void, in the Templar’s Charge mission, move your base platform up, up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right. The Tauren Marine lands with a nuclear explosion and you can control him as a unit.

Starcraft 2 Cheats Not Working

Unfortunately, starcraft 2 cheat codes don’t work in Multiplayer. It only works if you’re playing the game in single-player campaigns. In other words, these StarCraft cheats are only to use in single-player mode. Multiplayer games are custom games; they have a multiplayer hosting environment.

Moreover, the cheat code has no effect if you went to CUSTOM > Lobbies/Melee to create a game with the A.I.


Are there any Cheats for StarCraft 2?

Yes, StarCraft cheats are available which can only be applied in single-player campaigns. To use these codes, you need to press the “Enter” key and then apply any of the above-mentioned cheat codes. But remember, you can not use these in online multiplayer campaign matches.

How do I Enable Cheats in StarCraft 2?

To enter a cheat code when playing Starcraft, press the Enter Button to open a chat menu (in single-player only), type one of the codes below, and press Enter again to activate the cheat.

How Do you Cheat in StarCraft?

Cheating in StarCraft is not a big deal. There are a lot of StarCraft cheats available that you can use freely in single-player mode. Above, we have listed all the StarCraft 2 cheats, and using them is a very easy task. Start the game, launch your single-player campaign to apply the codes, and start completing all the missions.

Do cheats disable achievements in Starcraft 2?

It won’t, you need to load a save to reactivate achievements. All you have to do is reload any saved file you have before you enabled the cheat and then you will be good to go!

 Is StarCraft 2 Free Now?

Yes, StarCraft is now completely free to play. But you have to pay for extra single-player, cosmetic, and co-op content. After creating an account for the first time, you will get the access to following items:

  • The full Wings of Liberty Campaign
  • All Co-Op Commanders including Raynor, Kerrigan, and Artanis are freely available until level five.
  • All races, AI challenges, and maps are available in custom games.
  • Unranked multiplayer, with entry to Ranked awarded after the first 10 Unranked or Versus A.I. wins of the day
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