Frontlines Script
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Initiate and control the behavior of interactive elements using Frontlines Scripts.
4.5/5 Votes: 47
Oct 19, 2023
Roblox (Microsoft Store Edition)
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Roblox Frontlines Script is like a magic tool for the Roblox Frontlines game. It helps make your games better and easier to find on Roblox. When you use this special script, your games become super cool, and more Roblox players can see and play them. It’s like having a special map to show everyone where your game is.

It grants the player enhanced abilities like Fast Speed, Hitbox Expander, Gun Mods, Triggerbot, Aimbot, ESP, FPS Booster, Flying, Infinite Jumps, Wallbang, Fullbright, Silent Aim Scripts, and many other features.

Frontlines Roblox script can be used in multiple games with powerful Roblox Scripting apps like Synapse XKrnlFluxusJJSploit, etc.

How to Use Roblox Frontlines Script 2023

To use the Roblox frontlines Pastebin scripts, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Launch Roblox and the game/experience you wish to use.

Step 2: Wait 10 seconds, now start any recommended apps mentioned above or one of your own choice and attach it to Roblox. To do this, there will either be an Attach button or an injection icon.

Step 3: Once the app is attached, copy any of the codes given below as you would from a Pastebin webpage & paste it into the script editor window.

Script 1


Script 2

local utils = getrenv()._G.utils;
local globals = getrenv()._G.globals;
local slapAHoe = getrenv()._G.enums.c_net_msg.MELEE_HIT_SOL;
local cliState = globals.cli_state;
local combatNetShit = globals.combat_net_msg_state;
local fpvEquip = globals.fpv_sol_equipment;
local hitboxHash = globals.soldier_hitbox_hash;
local triggerEvent = utils.gbus.trig_event;
local netShit = utils.net_msg_util.c_prep_net_msg;
function hit(p1)
   local hash = hitboxHash[p1];
   local equipment = fpvEquip.curr_equipment;
   local hitboxPos = equipment.model.hitbox.Position
   if ( == cliState.fpv_sol_id) then
       netShit(combatNetShit, slapAHoe, hash);
   triggerEvent(utils.gbus.EVENT_ENUM.FPV_SOL_MELEE_SOL_HIT, equipment, p1, hitboxPos);
for i,v in next,workspace:GetChildren() do
   if v:IsA("Model") and v.Name=="soldier_model" and v:FindFirstChild("fpv_humanoid") then
       player = v
while task.wait() do
   for i,badBitch in pairs(game.CollectionService:GetTagged("ENEMY_SOLDIER")) do
       player.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = badBitch.CFrame

Script 3

loadstring(game:HttpGet(“”, true))()

Script 4


Script 5

local services = setmetatable({}, { _index = function(self, key) return game:GetService(key) end }) local client = services.Players.LocalPlayer; local request = request or http_request if type(syn) == 'table' and type(syn.request) == 'function' then request = syn.request end local KickClient, LoadFromGithub do function KickClient(reason) return client:Kick(reason) end local function GetUrl(url) local response = request({ Url = url, Method = 'GET' }) local success = response.Success; local body = response.Body; if not success then return false, 'Request failed. StatusCode: ' .. response.StatusCode end return true, body end function LoadFromGithub(owner, repo, file) local url = '' .. owner .. '/' .. repo .. '/main/' .. file local success, body = GetUrl(url) if not success then return KickClient('Failed to fetch from github. ' .. table.concat({ 'Url:', url, '\n', 'Error:', tostring(body) })) end local fn, err = loadstring(body) if not fn then return KickClient('Failed to load from github. ' .. table.concat({ 'Url:', url, '\n', 'Error:', tostring(err) })) end local results = { pcall(fn) } local success = table.remove(results, 1) if not success then return KickClient('Failed to execute from github. ' .. table.concat({ 'Url:', url, '\n', 'Error:', tostring(results[1]) })) end return unpack(results) end end local ESP = LoadFromGithub('Kiriot22', 'ESP-lib', 'ESP.lua') local UI = LoadFromGithub('wally-rblx', 'LinoriaLib', 'Library.lua') local ThemeManager = LoadFromGithub('wally-rblx', 'LinoriaLib', 'addons/ThemeManager.lua') local SaveManager = LoadFromGithub('wally-rblx', 'LinoriaLib', 'addons/SaveManager.lua') -- Library addons SaveManager:IgnoreThemeSettings() ThemeManager:SetLibrary(UI) ThemeManager:SetFolder('frontlines-cheat') SaveManager:SetFolder('frontlines-cheat') -- Utility functions local globals = getrenv()._G.globals; local utils = getrenv()._G.utils; local enums = getrenv()._G.enums; local event_enum = utils.gbus.EVENT_ENUM local global_sol_state = globals.gbl_sol_state local fpv_sol_recoil = globals.fpv_sol_recoil local fpv_sol_spread = globals.fpv_sol_spread local fpv_sol_equipment = globals.fpv_sol_equipment local fpv_sol_multipliers = globals.fpv_sol_multipliers local sol_state_class = enums.sol_state_class; local sol_firearm_operation = enums.sol_firearm_operation; local sol_time_sequence_value = enums.sol_time_sequence_value; local getCharacter, getTeam, getHealth, getPlayerFromChar do local function getPlayerSolId(player) for idx, plr in next, globals.cli_plrs do if player == plr then return idx end end end function getCharacter(player) local id = getPlayerSolId(player) if not id then return end return global_sol_state.r15_models[id] end function getTeam(player) local id = getPlayerSolId(player) if not id then return end return globals.cli_teams[id] end function getHealth(player) local id = getPlayerSolId(player) if not id then return 0 end local health = globals.gbl_sol_healths[id] if not health then return 0 end return health end function getPlayerFromChar(character) for id, model in next, global_sol_state.r15_models do if model == character then return globals.cli_plrs[id] end end end end -- Aimbot target selection local aimbot = {} do local function isInCircle(point, center, radius) local rX = point.x - center.x local rY = point.y - center.y return (rXrX) + (rYrY) <= radius*radius end local circle ='Circle') circle.Position = circle.Color =, 1, 1) circle.Thickness = 1; circle.NumSides = 24; circle.Transparency = 1; circle.Visible = false; function aimbot.UpdateCircleState(value) if type(value) == 'number' then circle.Radius = value end if type(value) == 'boolean' then circle.Visible = value end if typeof(value) == 'Color3' then circle.Color = value end end services.RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function(dt) local center = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize / 2 circle.Position = center local clientCharacter = getCharacter(client) local clientHealth = getHealth(client) local clientTeam = getTeam(client) if not clientCharacter then return end if clientHealth <= 0 then return end local Choices = {} for , plr in next, services.Players:GetPlayers() do
if plr == client then continue end
local character = getCharacter(plr)
local health = getHealth(plr)
local team = getTeam(plr)
local bone = character and character:findFirstChild('Head')
if health > 0 and character and team ~= clientTeam and bone then
local pos, vis = workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(bone.Position)
if not vis then continue end
local screenPos =, pos.Y)
if Toggles.ShowCircle and Toggles.ShowCircle.Value and (not isInCircle(screenPos, center, circle.Radius)) then
local distance = math.floor((screenPos - center).magnitude)
table.insert(Choices, {
Player = plr,
Distance = distance,
Character = character,
table.sort(Choices, function(a, b)
return a.Distance < b.Distance
local choice = Choices[1]
if choice then
local plr = choice.Player; = plr;
ESP.Highlighted = choice.Character
else = nil;
ESP.Highlighted = nil
-- visuals
ESP.Players = true
ESP.FaceCamera = false;
ESP.TeamMates = false;
ESP.Names = false;
ESP.Tracers = false;
ESP.Boxes = false;
ESP.HighlightColor =, 1, 1)
ESP.Overrides.GetTeam = getTeam
-- ESP.Overrides.GetPlrFromChar = getPlayerFromChar
function ESP.Overrides.UpdateAllow(self)
if self.Player then
local clientCharacter = getCharacter(client)
local pHealth = getHealth(self.Player)
if not clientCharacter or not clientCharacter.Parent then
return false
if pHealth <= 0 then
return false
return true
local function GetTeamColor(self)
local player = self.Player;
local IsSameTeam = ESP:IsTeamMate(player)
if Toggles.HighlightTarget and Toggles.HighlightTarget.Value then
if player == then
return Options.HighlightColor.Value
if IsSameTeam then return Options.AllyColor.Value end
return Options.EnemyColor.Value
for , plr in next, services.Players:GetPlayers() do if plr == client then continue end local character = getCharacter(plr) if character then ESP:Add(character, { Name = plr.Name, Player = plr, PrimaryPart = character:WaitForChild('HumanoidRootPart', 10), ColorDynamic = GetTeamColor }) end end local function onModelAdded(model) local plr = getPlayerFromChar(model) if not plr then return end if plr == client then return end ESP:Add(model, { Name = plr.Name, Player = plr, PrimaryPart = model:WaitForChild('HumanoidRootPart', 10), ColorDynamic = GetTeamColor }) end workspace.ChildAdded:Connect(function(object) if object.Name == 'r15_rig' then task.defer(onModelAdded, object) end end) end -- game modifications do local spread = fpv_sol_spread.spread local attitude_delta = fpv_sol_recoil.attitude_delta setmetatable(fpv_sol_spread, { __index = function(self, key) if key == 'spread' then if Toggles.NoSpread and Toggles.NoSpread.Value then return 0 end return spread end return rawget(self, key) end, __newindex = function(self, key, value) if key == 'spread' then spread = value; return end rawset(self, key, value) end }) setmetatable(fpv_sol_recoil, { __index = function(self, key) if key == 'attitude_delta' then if Toggles.NoRecoil and Toggles.NoRecoil.Value then return end return attitude_delta end return rawget(self, key) end, __newindex = function(self, key, value) if key == 'attitude_delta' then attitude_delta = value; return end rawset(self, key, value) end }) rawset(fpv_sol_spread, 'spread', nil) rawset(fpv_sol_recoil, 'attitude_delta', nil) local function ApplyWeaponMods(equipment) local reload_params = equipment.reload_params local recoil_params = equipment.recoil_params local aim_sway_params = equipment.aim_sway_params local time_sequences = equipment.time_sequences if not reload_params or not aim_sway_params then return end local function applyProxyMetatable(tbl, events) if getmetatable(tbl) then return end local cache = {} for key in next, events do cache[key] = tbl[key] end setmetatable(tbl, { __index = function(self, key) local fn = events[key] if fn and cache[key] then local result = fn(cache[key]) if result then return result end return cache[key] end return rawget(self, key) end, __newindex = function(self, key, value) if events[key] then cache[key] = value return end rawset(self, key, value) end }) for key in next, events do rawset(tbl, key, nil) end end local function SpoofReloadTime(old) if Toggles.NoReload and Toggles.NoReload.Value then return 0.01 end end local function SpoofReloadVector(old) if Toggles.NoReload and Toggles.NoReload.Value then return {, sol_time_sequence_value.AMMO_IN),, sol_time_sequence_value.END), } end end local function SpoofFireRate(old) if Toggles.FastFire and Toggles.FastFire.Value then return old * Options.FastFireMult.Value end end applyProxyMetatable(reload_params, { dry_reload_duration = SpoofReloadTime, tac_reload_duration = SpoofReloadTime, }) applyProxyMetatable(time_sequences, { [, sol_firearm_operation.TAC_RELOAD)] = SpoofReloadVector, [, sol_firearm_operation.DRY_RELOAD)] = SpoofReloadVector, [, sol_firearm_operation.TAC_RELOAD_START)] = SpoofReloadVector, [, sol_firearm_operation.DRY_RELOAD_START)] = SpoofReloadVector, [, sol_firearm_operation.RELOAD_INCR)] = SpoofReloadVector, [, sol_firearm_operation.RELOAD_END)] = SpoofReloadVector, }) applyProxyMetatable(fpv_sol_multipliers, { fire_rate = SpoofFireRate, }) end if fpv_sol_equipment.curr_equipment then ApplyWeaponMods(fpv_sol_equipment.curr_equipment) end local friendly_params local enemy_params local OldTrigEvent = nil local function TrigEventProxy(event, …) local args = { … } if event == event_enum.FPV_SOL_BULLET_SPAWN then local stack = debug.getstack(3) local discharge_params = nil for idx, obj in next, stack do if type(obj) == 'table' and type(rawget(obj, 'fire_params')) == 'table' then discharge_params = obj; break end end if Toggles.SilentAim.Value and and discharge_params then local character = getCharacter( local bone = character and character:findFirstChild('Head') if bone then local fire_params = discharge_params.fire_params local fire_multipliers = discharge_params.fire_multipliers local velocity = fire_params.muzzle_velocity * fire_multipliers.muzzle_velocity; local velocity_mult = Toggles.BulletVelocity.Value and Options.BulletVelocityMult.Value or 1 args[4] = CFrame.lookAt(args[3], bone.CFrame.p).lookVector * (velocity * velocity_mult) end end if friendly_params and enemy_params then friendly_params.FilterDescendantsInstances = Toggles.Wallbang.Value and { workspace:findFirstChild('workspace') } or {} enemy_params.FilterDescendantsInstances = Toggles.Wallbang.Value and { workspace:findFirstChild('workspace') } or {} end elseif event == event_enum.FPV_SOL_EQUIP then ApplyWeaponMods(fpv_sol_equipment.curr_equipment) end return OldTrigEvent(event, unpack(args)) end OldTrigEvent = hookfunction(utils.gbus.trig_event, function(…) return TrigEventProxy(…) end) -- hookfunction didn't work here :( local OldEvalUdho = utils.math_util.eval_udho local function EvalUdhoProxy(…) if Toggles.NoRecoil and Toggles.NoRecoil.Value and, 's'):find('recoil_anim') then return 0, 0 end return OldEvalUdho(…) end utils.math_util.eval_udho = EvalUdhoProxy local spawn_bullet = nil; for , fn in next, getgc() do
if type(fn) == 'function' then
if islclosure(fn) and (not is_synapse_function(fn)) then
local upvalues = getupvalues(fn)
for , upv in next, upvalues do if upv == OldEvalUdho then setupvalue(fn, , EvalUdhoProxy)
if getinfo(fn).name == 'spawn_bullet' then
spawn_bullet = fn
if spawn_bullet then
friendly_params = getupvalue(spawn_bullet, 5)
enemy_params = getupvalue(spawn_bullet, 7)
local window = UI:CreateWindow('Frontlines') do
local tMain = window:AddTab('Main')
local gAimbot = tMain:AddLeftGroupbox('Silent aim')
local gVisuals = tMain:AddRightGroupbox('Visuals')
gAimbot:AddToggle('SilentAim', { Text = 'Silent aim' })
gAimbot:AddToggle('Wallbang', { Text = 'Wallbang' })
gAimbot:AddToggle('ShowCircle', { Text = 'Show circle' }):AddColorPicker('CircleColor', { Default =, 1, 1) })
gAimbot:AddSlider('CircleRadius', { Text = 'Circle radius', Min = 0, Max = 300, Default = 0, Rounding = 0 })
gAimbot:AddToggle('HighlightTarget', { Text = 'Highlight target' }):AddColorPicker('HighlightColor', { Default =, 1, 1) })
gVisuals:AddToggle('ESPEnabled', { Text = 'Enabled' })
gVisuals:AddDropdown('ESPFlags', { Text = 'ESP Flags', Multi = true, Values = { 'Names', 'Boxes', 'Tracers', } })
gVisuals:AddDropdown('ESPOptions', { Text = 'ESP Options', Multi = true, Values = { 'Show team', 'Face camera' } })
gVisuals:AddLabel('Player colors')
:AddColorPicker('AllyColor', { Default = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 140), Title = 'Ally color' })
:AddColorPicker('EnemyColor', { Default = Color3.fromRGB(255, 25, 25), Title = 'Enemy color' });
Toggles.ShowCircle:OnChanged(function() aimbot.UpdateCircleState(Toggles.ShowCircle.Value) end)
Options.CircleColor:OnChanged(function() aimbot.UpdateCircleState(Options.CircleColor.Value) end)
Options.CircleRadius:OnChanged(function() aimbot.UpdateCircleState(Options.CircleRadius.Value) end)
Toggles.ESPEnabled:OnChanged(function() ESP:Toggle(Toggles.ESPEnabled.Value) end)
local map = Options.ESPFlags.Value
ESP.Names = map.Names or false
ESP.Boxes = map.Boxes or false
ESP.Tracers = map.Tracers or false
local map = Options.ESPOptions.Value
ESP.FaceCamera = map['Face camera'] or false
ESP.TeamMates = map['Show team'] or false
local gModifications = tMain:AddLeftTabbox()
local tWeapons = gModifications:AddTab('Weapons')
tWeapons:AddToggle('NoSpread', { Text = 'No spread' })
tWeapons:AddToggle('NoRecoil', { Text = 'No recoil' })
tWeapons:AddToggle('NoReload', { Text = 'Instant reload' })
tWeapons:AddToggle('FastFire', { Text = 'Fire rate' })
tWeapons:AddSlider('FastFireMult', { Text = 'Fire rate multiplier', Min = 1, Max = 2, Rounding = 1, Default = 1 })
tWeapons:AddToggle('BulletVelocity', { Text = 'Increased bullet velocity' })
tWeapons:AddSlider('BulletVelocityMult', { Text = 'Velocity multiplier', Min = 1, Max = 2, Rounding = 1, Default = 1 })
local tSettings = window:AddTab('UI Settings') do
local tSaveSettings = tSettings:AddRightGroupbox('Save settings')
local tCredits = tSettings:AddRightGroupbox('Credits')
tSaveSettings:AddButton('Save settings', function()
if SaveManager:Save('Default') then
UI:Notify('Saved settings!', 2)
UI:Notify('Failed to save settings', 2)
tSaveSettings:AddButton('Load settings', function()
if SaveManager:Load('Default') then
UI:Notify('Loaded settings!', 2)
UI:Notify('Failed to save settings', 2)
tCredits:AddLabel('wally - Script')
tCredits:AddLabel('Inori - UI library')
tCredits:AddLabel('Kiriot22 - ESP library')
tCredits:AddButton(' discord invite', function()
if pcall(setclipboard, '') then
UI:Notify('Copied discord invite!', 3)
UI:Notify('Failed to copy discord invite!', 3)
UI:Notify('Frontlines script loaded!', 3)
UI:Notify('Press RightControl to open the menu!', 3)

Frontline Scripts by Pastebin


Note: Keep in mind that these keep updating almost every week. So, make sure that you have the latest version.

Step 4: If everything worked successfully then a GUI window should pop up in which there will be further options to adjust it to your liking.

Frontlines Script Latest Version Update

Update and Working Frontlines Script

Frontlines Script Features