Frontlines Script
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Initiate and control the behavior of interactive elements using Frontlines Scripts.
4.5/5 Votes: 48
Oct 19, 2023
Roblox (Microsoft Store Edition)
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Roblox Frontlines Script is like a magic tool for the Roblox Frontlines game. It helps make your games better and easier to find on Roblox. When you use this special script, your games become super cool, and more Roblox players can see and play them. It’s like having a special map to show everyone where your game is.

It grants the player enhanced abilities like Fast Speed, Hitbox Expander, Gun Mods, Triggerbot, Aimbot, ESP, FPS Booster, Flying, Infinite Jumps, Wallbang, Fullbright, Silent Aim Scripts, and many other features.

Frontlines Roblox script can be used in multiple games with powerful Roblox Scripting apps like Synapse XKrnlFluxusJJSploit, etc.

How to Use Roblox Frontlines Script 2023

To use the Roblox frontlines Pastebin scripts, launch Roblox and the executor, then copy and paste the code to run the script. That’s it!

Script 1


Script 2

local utils = getrenv()._G.utils;
local globals = getrenv()._G.globals;
local slapAHoe = getrenv()._G.enums.c_net_msg.MELEE_HIT_SOL;
local cliState = globals.cli_state;
local combatNetShit = globals.combat_net_msg_state;
local fpvEquip = globals.fpv_sol_equipment;
local hitboxHash = globals.soldier_hitbox_hash;
local triggerEvent = utils.gbus.trig_event;
local netShit = utils.net_msg_util.c_prep_net_msg;
function hit(p1)
   local hash = hitboxHash[p1];
   local equipment = fpvEquip.curr_equipment;
   local hitboxPos = equipment.model.hitbox.Position
   if ( == cliState.fpv_sol_id) then
       netShit(combatNetShit, slapAHoe, hash);
   triggerEvent(utils.gbus.EVENT_ENUM.FPV_SOL_MELEE_SOL_HIT, equipment, p1, hitboxPos);
for i,v in next,workspace:GetChildren() do
   if v:IsA("Model") and v.Name=="soldier_model" and v:FindFirstChild("fpv_humanoid") then
       player = v
while task.wait() do
   for i,badBitch in pairs(game.CollectionService:GetTagged("ENEMY_SOLDIER")) do
       player.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = badBitch.CFrame

Script 3

loadstring(game:HttpGet(“”, true))()

Script 4


Frontline Scripts by Pastebin


Note: Keep in mind that these keep updating almost every week. So, make sure that you have the latest version.

If everything worked successfully then a GUI window should pop up in which there will be further options to adjust it to your liking.

Frontlines Script Latest Version Update

Update and Working Frontlines Script

Frontlines Script Features