YBA Script (Your Bizarre Adventure)
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Auto Farm Items, Stands, Mobs, Items & Players ESP, etc. 100% working in 2023
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Nuke Vs City
August 2023
Roblox (Microsoft Store Edition) + Windows PC
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YBA Scripts/hubs grant you powers to auto farm things like stand farm, item farm, mob (NPCs) auto farm, invisibility, speed, increase jump power, flying, item ESP, teleporting, player ESP, show player health bar, etc. in Your Bizarre Adventure Roblox game/experience.

We have listed some of the most recent and powerful scripts in 2024. A few of these also support running on Android devices via Arceus X NEO and Delta. For PCs, you’ll need an app like Krnl, Fluxus, JJSploit, Acreus X V3, etc.

YBA Scripts for Roblox Your Bizarre Adventure

Pastebin scripts working in May 2024 are given below, feel free to experiment with each of them.

Note: Some of the ones given below may require a key, this will redirect you to a website where you can gain one by watching a few ads or doing some short tasks that are assigned to you.

1. NukeHub Script by Nuke Vs City

This is a famous all-in-one hub that includes over 280 scripts for 90 games including scripts for Your Bizarre Adventure. It also does not require a key and gets constantly updated with new stuff created by Nuke Vs City.

loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NukeVsCity/TheALLHACKLoader/main/NukeLoader", true))()

2. Nuke Vs City Script

This is the standalone version of Nuke Vs City’s hub mentioned above. It contains options like auto farming, teleporting, player and item ESP, stands, etc.


3. Duplicating Stands, Items, & Cosmetics Script

As you can guess from the title, this one mostly focuses on the free duplication of stands, items, cosmetics, etc.


4. Auto Attacking & Auto Quest Completion Script

This Pastebin code allows you to automatically attack any target, auto-complete quests, and much more.


5. NPC Farming, Flying, & Auto Farming Items Script

This script is for farming NPCs, flying, auto-farming items, auto-selling, etc.


6. Lucky Arrow Farming & Server Hopping Script

This script allows you to hop instantly from one server to another with lower players, farm Lucky arrows, etc.

local Loader = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Hooverfarm/17ab9f31205b05473b8c124cd6e6c5f3/raw/65319960df05aa5b11bfa8730134fe8dad984b71/Floppafarm", true))()

7. Auto Farm Everything Script (Synapse X Only)

This script can perform nearly all the functions of other scripts but it is designed specifically for Synapse X exclusively.

getgenv().Settings = {
["items"] = {"Lucky Arrow","Mysterious Arrow","Rokakaka"},
["DiscordId"] = 1234567890,
["customWebhook"] = "",
["PerformanceMode"] = false -- // disables 3d rendering.
repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded() and game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui
loadstring(syn.request({Url = "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/crcket/2496ba1f68f6bd6968e12282c8f6bb52/raw"}).Body)()

How to Execute Scripts in Roblox

Here are a few short instructions on running scripts in Your Bizarre Adventure Roblox game.

Step 1: Start Roblox and launch the Your Bizarre Adventure experience/game.

Step 2: After launching Your Bizarre Adventure, wait 10 seconds then start up your preferred Roblox executor.

Step 3: Paste the code into the exec and run the script.

Step 4: If done successfully a window should pop up with all the available modding options.

YBA Script (Your Bizarre Adventure) Features