A discord bot that lets players collect, battle & trade Pokemon, has been unfortunately shut down almost a year ago. But, its popularity does not seem to fade. The news of Pokecord getting shut down had left thousands of DIscord users extremely disappointed.
In this article, we’ll explain to you where to play Pokecord as well Pokecord all the updated commands.
Pokecord: How To Spawn Pokemon?
If you are playing on a small server, you’ll notice that Pokemon don’t spawn very often. Pokemon spawns are based on how many people are sending messages on the server. The more messages that are sent, the more Pokemon will spawn. This can be frustrating, but unfortunately, it’s kind of the only fair way to do it. If you know your Pokemon and are a fast typist, then you’ll want to just head to the official Pokecord server and catch them all!
Pokecord Commands
Depending on your server, it is defaulted to have the “p!” in front of your command. Some servers might have changed this to something else, but I will be using it with the following commands because it’s used in the default Pokecord server.
You are going to see <Pokemon Number> referenced throughout these commands. You can get your particular Pokemon number by searching for the particular Pokemon with the “p!pokemon –name <Pokemon Name>” command. It will display the number via this list.
If you witness any command in angle brackets (<>), you will have to replace it with what is listed between them. Make sure not to include brackets in your command.
Beginning the Game
Cheat Codes | Cheat effect |
p!start | This command will help you to enter the game. Make sure to use this Pokecord command before you catch any Pokemon. |
p!pick | Once you have started using Pokecord commands, you will then be asked to pick a starter Pokemon. You will be able to pick any of the starter Pokemon. |
p!help | This command will help you get direct messages from the bot. You will need to enter this command in a Pokecord-supported Discord channe |
Starter Commands
Once you get your hands on Pokemon, you will have to use a couple of Pokecord commands. Here are the following commands that should be enabled.
p!detailed | This Pokecord command will help you get more information about the Pokemon when using p!pokemon and p!info. |
p!order <Option> | Using this command, you can order Pokemon the way you want. You have an option to order your Pokemon in alphabetical, number, level, or IV. |
Pokemon Commands
Cheat Codes | Cheat effect |
p!catch <Pokemon Name> | When a wild Pokemon spawns, use this command to get the correct name to catch it. |
p!hint | It will give you a clue about the spawned Pokemon. |
p!select <Pokemon Number> | It will tell you which Pokemon will get XP from chatting and which will battle. |
p!select latest | It will automatically select the recently caught Pokemon. |
p!info | It will show you the information about your selected Pokemon. |
p!info latest | It will show you the information about the recently caught Pokemon. |
p!info <Pokemon Name> | It shows a Pokemon with its base stats. |
p!info shiny <Pokemon Name> | It shows a shiny version of a Pokemon along with its base stats. |
p!info <Pokemon Number> | It gives the information of the Pokemon attached to this number. |
p!pokemon | It shows a list of your Pokemon and other information like Level, Number, IVs, and Nickname. |
p!pokemon –name <Pokemon Name> | It shows a list of Pokemon with a name that you own. |
p!pokemon –shiny | It shows all of your shiny Pokemon. |
p!pokedex | It shows your Pokedex with a count of how many you own. |
p!pokedex –unowned | It will only show you the Pokemon that should be collected. |
p!nickname <nickname> | It will give a nickname to your selected Pokemon. |
p!dropitem | It drops the item your current Pokemon is holding. |
Challenge Commands
There are multiple challenges added to the game. Upon completing challenges, you will be given rewards.
Cheat Codes | Cheat effect |
p!challenges | This command will show you all of the available challenges. |
Favorite List Commands
Cheat Codes | Cheat effect |
p!fav | This Pokecord command will help you to keep your favorite Pokemon separately. |
p!addfav <Pokemon Number> | You can add a new Pokemon to the favorites list by using this command. |
p!removefav <Pokemon Number> | Use this command to remove Pokemon from your favorites list. |
Dueling Commands
Here are all the pokecord duel commands that you can use in the game. There are multiple Pokecord commands that you will have to use while fighting with your friends. Upon defeating your dueling partner, you will be given credits and XP as rewards.
Cheat Codes | Cheat effect |
p!select <Pokemon Number> | Use this command to select the Pokemon that you want to use in the battle. |
p!moves | It will show you the Pokemon’s current moves. |
p!learn <Move> | This command will help you learn the moves. |
p!replace <Number> | Use this command to replace a current move. |
p!duel <@Username> | Challenges the select Discord user to a Duel. Be sure to @ them and not just type in their name. |
p!accept | Use this command to accept the duel’s challenge. |
p!use <Move Number> | Your chosen Pokemon will use the move that is listed by that number. |
Market Commands
You must have gotten enough Credit and XP by defeating your duelling partner. Now, it is time to use them to sell or purchase Pokemon.
Cheat Codes | Cheat effect |
p!bal | This command will show you the exact number of credits you have in your inventory. |
p!market search <Page number> | It will show you the requested page of the market. |
p!market search <Page number> <Search Options> <Order Option> | Search the market. |
p!market view <Pokemon ID> | This command will get you information about a Pokemon on the market. |
p!market info <Pokemon ID> | Alternative to view. |
p!market list <Pokemon Number> <Price> | Use this command to list a Pokemon on the market. |
p!market buy <Pokemon ID> | Use this command to buy a Pokemon from the market. Make sure to confirm your purchase with p!confirmbuy or cancel it with p!cancel. |
p!market remove <Pokemon ID> | This command can be used to remove one of your Pokemon from the market. |
p!market listings <Page number> | This command shows the Pokemon you have listed on the market. |
Search Options
To make your search more refined you can use the following Pokecord commands.
Cheat Codes | Cheat effect |
–name <name> | Use this command to search for Pokemon by their name. |
–nickname <nickname> | This command can be used to search for Pokemon by their nickname. |
–level <level> | This command will help you search for Pokemon by their level. |
–holding <holding> | Use this command to search for Pokemon by the item they are holding. |
–type <type> | This command can be used to search for Pokemon by type. |
–price <price> | Use this command to search for Pokemon with a particular price. |
–hpiv <IV> | This Pokecord command will help you to search for Pokemon by their HP IV. |
–atkiv <IV> | This command can be used to search for Pokemon by their Attack IV. |
–defiv <IV> | You can use this command to search for Pokemon by their Defense IV. |
–spatkiv <IV> | Use this command to search for Pokemon by their Special Attack IV. |
–spdefiv <IV> | This command can be used to search for Pokemon by their Special Defense IV. |
–speediv <IV> | You can use this command to search for Pokemon by their Speed IV. |
Order Options
Cheat Codes | Cheat Effects |
–order id ascending/descending | This command will help you get the result by Pokemon ID. |
–order lvl ascending/descending | You can get the results by Pokemon Level by using this command. |
–order price ascending/descending | This command can be used to get the results by price. |
–order iv ascending/descending | Use this command to order the sum of the Pokemon’s IVs. |
–order name ascending/descending | You can use this command to order results by name. |
Instead of writing ascending or descending, you can simply write a or d respectively.
Shop Commands
Cheat Codes | Cheat Effects |
p!shop | This Pokecord command will bring up a shop menu. |
p!buy <Item ID> | You can use this command to buy a particular item from the shop. |
Trading Commands
Cheat Codes | Cheat Effects |
p!trade @User | You can use this command to begin a trade. To accept or decline the trade, you will need to use p!accept or p!deny. |
p!p add <Pokemon numbers, seperated by spaces> | With the help of using this command, you can add as many Pokemon as you want to your trade offer. |
p!p remove <Pokemon numbers, separated by spaces> | This command can be used to remove Pokemon from the trade offer. |
p!c add <Amount> | Use this Pokecord command to add credits to your trade offer. |
p!c remove <Amount> | This command can be used to remove credits from your trade offer. |
p!confirm | To confirm the trade, use this command. |
p!cancel | If you don’t want to proceed with the trade offer, use this command to cancel the trade. |
General Commands
Cheat Codes | Cheat Effects |
p!daily | Upon using this command, you will be able to vote for the Pokecord server on the Discord Bots site. If you do so, you will get up to 250 Credits for doing this every 12 hours. |
p!silence | This command will Toggle your level-up messages. If you chat in servers that have Pokecord enabled it will alert you when your Pokemon levels up. This might be annoying to some, so this can be silenced with this command. |
p!redeem <Pokemon Name> | If you have a redemption available, you will receive a Pokemon of the name you entered. |
p!redeem credits | This command can be used to sell a redeem you own for 15,000 credits back to the bot itself. |
Bot Commands
Cheat Codes | Cheat Effects |
p!botinfo | This Pokecord command will bring up all general bot information. |
p!invite | You can invite the bot by using this command. |
p!donate | You can use this command to send a link to donate to support the bot. |
p!patreon | This command can be used to send a link to the bot’s Patreon page. |
p!server | You can send an invite to the bot’s official server by using this command. |
Server Commands
Cheat Codes | Cheat Effects |
p!prefix <prefix> | This Pokecord command is used to set the server prefix. |
p!redirect <#Channel Name> | With the help of using this command, you will be able to spawn a Pokemon in a particular channel. |
p!redirect disable | If you want Pokemon to spawn randomly, use this command to do so. |
p!channel enable/disable | This command can be used to enable or disable the channel you are currently in. |
p!levelup enable/disable | Use this command to enable or disable level-up alerts. |
p!clearspawns enable/disable | This command is usually used to enable or disable the deletion of the spawn messages once a Pokemon is captured. |
Pokebot Discord Commands
Listed are all the Pokebot Discord Commands that you can use in the game.(Anything with <args>
is to be replaced without the <>
with your given search parameter).
- pb!setprefix/prefix <new prefix> (Change prefix for your server, DMs have no prefix)
(Prefix can be any ASCII characters, and can be used likepb! ping
) - pb!ping (Pings the bot, check to see if it’s alive!)
- pb!info (Get invite, voting, and Patreon links as well as basic bot information)
- pb!stats (See a list of possibilities of how stats look in the Pokedex command)
pb!stats <#>
(Selects that corresponding look for the Pokedex command in your guild)
- pb!identify (Identify a picture of a Pokemon)
- pb!help (Brings up basic usage and should help you with Pokédex commands and tell you your current prefix)
You can do eitherpb!pokedex
- pb!pd (List every Pokemon in our database)
pb!pd <###>
(Searches Pokémon by Ndex number and returns info)pb!pd <name>
(Searches Pokémon by Name and will list all that match if only 1 then it will display info)
- pb!pd alola (List every Alolan Pokemon in our database)
pb!pd alola <###>
(Searches Alolan Pokémon by Ndex number and returns info)pb!pd alola <name>
(Searches Alolan Pokémon by Name and will list all that match, if only 1 then it will display info)
- pb!pd mega (List every Mega Evolution in our database)
pb!pd mega <###>
(Searches Mega Evolution by Ndex number and returns info)pb!pd mega <name>
(Searches Mega Evolution by Name and will list all that match if only 1 then it will display info)
- pb!ability (Return a list of Pokemon abilities)
pb!ability <ability>
(Return information on that ability and a list of Pokemon that have it)
- pb!category (Return a list of Pokemon categories)
pb!category <category>
(Return a list of Pokemon in that category)
- pb!color (Return a list of available colors to search)
pb!color <color>
(Return a list of Pokemon with that color)
- pb!type (Return a list of available colors to search)
pb!type <type>
(Return information on that type and a list of Pokemon that type