Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheat Codes List & How To Use Them

All RDR 2 cheat codes and how to unlock them.

Looking for a full list of Red Dead Redemption 2 cheat codes? By using the RDR 2 cheats code you can activate many things like infinite ammo, refill your health & stamina, and spawn horses.

You need to buy in Valentine, Strawberry, and Rhoads because this allows you to read the cheat code phrases, which you can then input into a cheat section in the pause menu.

In this article, we’ll provide you with a complete list of Red Dead Redemption cheats for PS4, Xbox One, and PC versions.

How to Enter Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheats?

Enter Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheats.

Activating cheat codes in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a fairly simple process. Just follow the below steps to input cheats in Red Dead Redemption 2.

  • Pause the game.
  • Press Triangle if you’re on PS4, or Y if you’re on Xbox One.
  • You will then enter a page filled with cheat codes. All of them will be unknown if you have never visited this page before.
  • Press Triangle or Y, and you’ll bring up the keyboard. Input one of the cheat codes in the table above, and you’ll unlock the corresponding cheat.
  • You can then choose to toggle this cheat on or off. Thankfully, you don’t have to re-enter them every time if you want to activate them anymore!
  • Remember – activating a cheat code will bar you from saving the game or progressing through the story.

Some cheat codes might not work when you enter them because these cheats have “prerequisites” or requirements that you need to meet before you can activate them. The most common prerequisite is purchasing Newspaper.

How to get Newspapers in Red Dead Redemption 2?

Newspapers are unlocked after you complete certain chapters or missions in RDR 2. You can get newspapers from newspaper sellers in various towns. They are represented by the paper symbol on the map. Newspapers contain hidden cheat codes and in order to activate or unlock them, the newspaper containing the cheat must be in your inventory.

There are three publications that sell papers – Blackwater Ledger, New Hanover gazette, and Saint-Denis Times– and they serve different areas.  Each publication will put out a new issue whenever an additional newspaper is unlocked, but the content of those papers is the same.

Where can you find Red Dead Redemption 2 cheat codes?

Most people will have probably come across a cheat code in Red Dead Redemption 2 without actually knowing it.

However, there is actually one guaranteed way of finding cheat codes: buying newspapers. Head to Valentine, Saint-Denis, and Blackwater and pick up the New Hanover Gazette, Saint-Denis Times, and Blackwater Ledger respectively from the newspaper seller in town. Certain newspapers will only be available after clearing particular flash points in the story, and a number of cheats are actually locked off depending on your progress, so to get the best experience, you probably want to finish the campaign first.

find Red Dead Redemption 2 cheat codes.

If you’ve already beaten the game, then you should be loaded with cash, so quickly pick up every copy available. Once you’ve done that, simply open up your satchel, pick a newspaper, flip it over and zoom in to the bottom of the paper. If the paper has a cheat code, there will be a little tagline underneath one of the articles which contains a phrase. This phrase is what you have to type in to unlock the corresponding cheat code.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheat Codes List

When entering these cheat codes, capitalization isn’t important – but punctuation is required as written for the codes to work. Most of them can be entered anytime but, some require you to actually find a newspaper before you can use them, so we have marked those in the list too.

Cheat effectCheat codeRequirement
Add $500Greed is now a virtueNone
Basic weaponsA simple life, a beautiful deathNone
Create BuggyKeep your dreams lightNone
Create race horseRun! Run! Run!None
Create Random HorseYou want something newNone
Create StagecoachThe best of the old waysNone
Create Superior HorseYou want more than you haveNone
Create WagonKeep your dreams simpleNone
Decrease HonorYou revel in your disgrace, I seeNone
Decrease Wanted LevelYou want freedomNone
Forces you to become drunkA fool on commandNone
Gunslinger WeaponsHistory is written by FoolsNone
Increase Health, Stamina, and Dead Eye levelsSeek all the bounty of this placeNone
Increase Horse BondingMy kingdom is a horseNone
Increase Wanted LevelYou want punishmentNone
Increase Whistle Range for HorseBetter than my dogNone
Infinite Dead EyeBe Greedy only for ForesightNone
Learn All RecipesEat of KnowledgeNone
Own all OutfitsVanity. All is vanity.None
Reset HonorBalance. All is balance.None
Set Health, Stamina, and Dead Eye Bars to FullYou flourish before you dieNone
Set Dead Eye to level 1Guide me BetterNone
Set Dead Eye to level 2Make me BetterNone
Set Dead Eye to level 3I shall be betterNone
Set Dead Eye to level 4I still seek moreNone
Set Dead Eye to level 5I seek and I findNone
Stealth weaponsDeath is silenceNone
Purchase all Camp upgradesShareNone
Clear all Bounties and Lockdown AreasYou want everyone to go awayNone
Infinite AmmoAbundance is the dullest desireOwn Newspaper Hanover 27 or Saint Denis 43 (acquired anytime in Chapter 2)
Heavy AmmoGreed is American VirtueOwn Newspaper Saint Denis 46 (acquired in Chapter 3 after Magicians for Spot)
Remove Fog of War from mapYou long for sight and see nothingOwn Newspaper Saint Denis 47 (acquired in Chapter 3 after Magicians for Sport)
Increase HonorVirtue unearned is not virtueOwn Newspaper Saint Denis Times 48 (after Chapter 4 mission Urban Pleasures)
Infinite StaminaThe lucky be strong evermoreOwn Newspaper Saint Denis Times 49 (after completing Chapter 5)
Fortify Health, Stamina, and Dead EyeYou seek more than the world offersOwn Newspaper Saint Denis Times 52 (after Chapter 6 mission The King’s Son)
Create War HorseYou are a beast built for warOwn Newspaper Saint Denis Times 53 (after completing the Epilogue)
Create Circus WagonWould you be happier as a clown?Own Newspaper Saint Denis Times 54 (after completing the Epilogue)

Infinite Money Exploit in Red Dead Redemption 2 on PS4 and Xbox One

Using an item duplication glitch, it’s possible to earn infinite money by duplicating gold bars.

  1. Travel to the Sheriff’s Office in Limpany and open the lock box under the desk.
  2. Use the interaction button to pick up the gold bar, but pause during the animation (make sure not to touch the pamphlet first).
  3. Save your game and then immediately load that save.
  4. Return to the box and hold the interaction button to continue collecting gold bars (max is 30).

You can sell these 30 gold bars to a Fence for $15,000 and then return to Company and repeat steps 2-4.

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